How Does Psychological Safety At WorkPlace Affect RPO?


People new to the term Psychological safety at workplace should go through this article once. Suppose the HR department is organizing a recruitment process outsourcing (RPO) to get a deserving candidate. As an outcome, the candidate is selected, but at the same time, the candidate rejects the offer after working for a few days. The reason behind this offer cancellation is lawless psychological safety at workplace.

Now, do you understand the reason behind it? Well, the answer lies in how you have been managing the work culture. It is crucial for employees to feel at ease when working with thousands of documents and retrieving the most critical data for your organization. If your employee does not receive psychological safety at workplace due to unfair behavior or a hostile environment, it will create a non-negotiable company reputation. 

According to the conducted research, only 3 in 10 employees believe that their opinions are respected the way they want to at work. Recently, an organization “Workhuman” report discovered that 32% of employees feel lonely during their tenure at work. Moreover, the point of discrimination in the workplace is getting common these days. Data like these reveal a picture of a scary and lawless environment that can harm a company’s recruitment process easily. 

When employees are feared to express their opinions or neglected for their active participation in certain activities, you need an environment check. You need to analyze your rules and facilities provided to the employees. And most importantly, ask yourself a question “do we encourage and maintain the psychological safety of work culture? 

Article Highlights

  1. Employees with an enthusiastic spirit who are comfortable expressing themselves are more active.
  2. Internal organization culture is portrayed via workplace relationships. 
  3. Generating space for confidential conversations can help maintain a positive work culture.

When it comes to forming a solid company reputation to expand and form a better recruitment outsourcing process, work culture matters a lot. It evaluates your company formation to attract outsiders and join your mission to grow an organization in every aspect. Let’s understand the perspective of psychological safety in the recruitment process. 

What Does Psychological Safety Mean at Work Culture?

If analyzed properly, psychological safety is meant as the “act of existing without fear” keeping in check with discipline. The message is also conveyed by the renowned thought leader. Within the matter of the workplace, the reference is how people wake up to join the work every day. Also, it refers to how they are not suffering the negative consequences as an outcome of who they are. When the workplace environment is psychologically safe, employees do not feel like hiding who they are in order to get by the working day. You won’t find any punishment or humiliation when speaking up about certain concerns, ideas, or even mistakes. But when a workplace does not feel safe to engage, employees will keep their concerns and opinions to themselves. Nothing will far outweigh the benefits of speaking up. 

Why Does Psychological Safety Matter to An Organization?

In companies, psychological safety establishes a crucial basis of respect and belonging. According to a recent McKinsey study, 89 percent of employees consider psychological safety to be a critical component of any company. And this echoes the findings of a two-year Google research, which concluded that psychological safety was the most significant factor in forming successful teams.

In a recent LinkedIn newsletter, SocialTalent CEO Johnny Campbell described it as a "no brainer" concept that was critical to allowing your teams to thrive. Apart from the emotional value of psychological safety, the commercial implications are also worth considering. Employees who feel empowered, accepted, and at ease are more likely to succeed, which can lead to:

  1. Increased creativity
  2. Enhanced efficiency
  3. Increased participation
  4. The designing of a culture of well-being and support
  5. Capability to adopt diverse perspectives
  6. A habitat of confidence and trust
  7. Exposure to feedback and development

What are the Four Questions That Lead to Psychological Safety?

You can start your research work with these four questions to analyze psychological safety at workplace. You can get your team together and ask them these things to make some productive outcome out of the process.

  1. What can you count on each other for?
  2. What is the purpose of the team to maintain psychological safety at workplace?
  3. What is the reputation you aspire to represent outsiders during recruitment?
  4. What do we need to do to reach a positive reputation?

The questions are prepared to build a culture of psychological safety at workplace. Please understand and keep in mind that the order is as important as the queries themselves. The first query elevates strengths and is implied for specifying individual security before getting into the more comprehensive team psychological safety challenges. 

How to Build a Culture of Psychological Safety to Enhance RPO?

While important factors such as organizational structure, processes, and systems can impact a company's culture, the behavioral aspect of culture is developed person by person, team by team, and day by day. Individual and team safety are both important, but in the process of developing psychological safety, personal safety must come first. And it must come first if greater engagement and performance are to be achieved.

The responses to the four questions provided a safety net for the HR team members, allowing them to trust and be candid with one another. They were able to be vulnerable enough to be engaged as a result. Any team or organization that wants to build a culture of psychological safety can use those four questions to get started.

The four questions can be used by leaders and managers to foster involvement, ideation, and honesty. To arrive at a shared value, purpose, and identity, every team in an organization should work through the four questions. For true culture change to occur in the best-case scenario, the executive team must be involved, and it must begin with them. Leaders should respond to the four questions from the perspective of their team and company. The expected behavior is encouraged, and alignment develops when executives share their organizational answers with the rest of the firm.

While cultural change rarely happens in a straight line, a single team might cause a social contagion to spread throughout an organization. Managers are not required to wait.

How Does Psychological Safety At Workplace Manifest Performance?

For starters, reviewing the key performance indicators and other performance metrics is a good idea. Do you allow for experimentation, or are you heavily reliant on success and measurable outcomes? If your employees' salaries and bonuses are based on meeting specified goals, you may inadvertently push them to think small, even if you don't mean to.

Work to ensure that your performance framework allows growth and encourages originality, thinking outside the box, and, yes, accepting the inevitable hiccups. When your employees feel comfortable thinking big, they will go above and beyond for you. 

How Does Feedback Maintain Psychological Safety At Workplace?

Employee feedback is one of the most delicate aspects of the psychology of a business — and also one of the most powerful. Managers and organizational leaders can establish interpersonal trust and drive productive teams by offering regular, multidirectional feedback.

Make sure managers deliver feedback with a growth mentality to make feedback an area that supports psychological safety. They regard their staff as human beings capable of learning new talents and flourishing, rather than perceiving their aptitude or expertise as a fixed characteristic.

Surprising Benefits of Psychological Safety at Workplace!

In order to genuinely contribute to a culture of psychological safety at workplace, make sure to integrate 360 or bottom-up feedback, including the top-down. When employees get that they have valued participation in their opinion with a manager, it benefits the organization. It is because with the valued partnership, the sense of engagement increases and improves.

And most importantly, they must feel they are allowed to give constructive feedback to higher leadership and managers. Given that, it must be portrayed without being pushed to speak up. Also, managers should be able to take ownership of their own flaws and perfection. Work with employees and management to make sure the psychological safety at workplace is pursued to reap the rewards.

Here are some of the tips to build psychological safety at workplace:

  1. Show that you are engaged in motivating the team.
  2. Allow your team to see you comprehend.
  3. Avoid accusing or blaming games for building trust. 
  4. Be self-acquainted and instruct the same from your team. 
  5. Drop negativity in the backseat. 
  6. Involve your team in decision-making. 
  7. Allow your team for feedback. 
  8. Support your team.

Create Psychological Safety At Workplace In A Virtual Team via:

  1. Employ 1:1 meeting time thoughtfully.
  2. Dedicate more team meeting time to influential discussions. 
  3. Ask your virtual team members what a “safe space” might feel like. 
  4. Make yourself humble, so others feel secure to follow orders or tasks.

"Emotional safety" entails a sense of security, as well as a willingness to express one's true feelings. The feeling of being able to display and employ oneself without fear of harmful effects on one's self-image, status, or job is known as psychological safety.